• 邁向年老的過程
• Is the process of becoming older
• Is the process of becoming older
• 被詮釋為人體系統隨著時間逐漸衰敗的過程
• specifically defined as the process of system’s deterioration with time
老化的理论 Theories of Ageing
The Wear and Tear Theory2.神经内分泌理论
The Neuroendocrine Theory3.基因控制理论
The Genetic Control Theory
The Free Radical Theory
Waste Accumulation Theory
Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body
Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body
• 反映人体内部的需求,包括它的营养状况
• Manifestation of your body’s internal needs, including its nutritional status.
• Manifestation of your body’s internal needs, including its nutritional status.
•Is the largest organ of human body.
What Can You Do to Delay Ageing?
What Can You Do to Delay Ageing?
•Eating right and balanced diet
•Drink plenty of clean water
•抗氧化物: 抗老化战士
•Antioxidants: The ageing fighters
•Get adequate rest and quality sleep
•Active lifestyle
•Manage your stress
•Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and caffeine
•Eating right and balanced diet
•Drink plenty of clean water
•抗氧化物: 抗老化战士
•Antioxidants: The ageing fighters
•Get adequate rest and quality sleep
•Active lifestyle
•Manage your stress
•Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol and caffeine
How Can Supplements Help?
How Can Supplements Help?
- 综合维他命 Multivitamin
- 抗氧化物- 综合胡萝卜素
- Antioxidants - Multi Carotene
- 维生素C Bio C Plus
- 卵磷脂 E Lecithin E
Phytonutrients 植物营养素
• 协助提供防御对抗自由基
Help to defend the body from free radicals.
• 激活第 II 阶段的酶素–排毒
•Activate Phase II Enzymes - detoxification
• 支援健康的细胞
• Support healthy cells
维他命 A 抗氧化物 Antioxidant Vitamin A
• 它是滋润性营养素
It is a moisturizing nutrient
• 使皮肤和粘膜保持柔滑和饱满
Keeps the skin and mucous membranes smooth and supple
Keeps the skin and mucous membranes smooth and supple
• 改善皮肤失调,如红疹皮肤溃烂
Improves skin disorders like rashes and skin ulcers 综合胡萝卜素 Multi Carotene
乙型胡萝卜素 Beta Carotene
甲型胡萝卜素 Alpha Carotene
叶黄素 Lutein
- 对胶原合成非常重要
- Essential for the synthesis of collagen
- 减少皱纹形成及改善肌肤纹理。
- Reduces the wrinkles formation and improve skin texture
- 保护细胞液、血浆和眼液, 避免受自由基破坏。
- Protects intracellular fluids, blood plasma and eye fluid from free radicals damages
维他命 E 抗氧化物 Antioxidant Vitamin E
- 维持皮肤的健康和健全
- Preserves health and integrity of the skin
- 治疗割伤、擦伤和伤疤组织
- Heals cut, abrasion and scar tissue
- 保护皮肤预防未老先衰
- Protects the skin from premature aging
•卵磷脂对维他命 E 的传送 很有助益。
Lecithin is known to aid in the transportation of vitamin E
Lecithin, an emulsifier that breaks up fats into tiny units for digestion.
- 所有细胞皆需要蛋白质。充足的蛋白质让您散发健康光彩。
- Required by all cells, protein is important to get a healthy radiance.
- 调节水分均衡,以及协助输送营养素进出皮肤细胞。
- Regulate water balance and helps to move nutrients in and out of skin cells
- 保护胶原避免自由基破坏。
- Essential for the growth and repair of skin cells
A Beautiful and Healthier You!
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